Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sweet Tea and Fried Pickles

For some reason, since moving to Texas I have fallen in love with fried pickles. My obsession with sweet tea is a given from my younger days but as a girl who doesn't really like dill pickles I am surprised at my new fondness for fried pickles. If a restaurant has them then I am going to order them..just a random, since I have moved to Texas, fact.

Another fact, is that tomorrow is the last day of classes for Spring semester! I can not believe our first semester at Southwestern has flown by so quickly. We have final exams this week and next week and then we are officially done with our first semester here! It has honestly been a very good semester for me. I am doing well in most of my classes, and while I don't have the A's I would like in all of them, I have learned so much.

The most prominent lesson I have learned this semester is to make sure to read the Scripture for what it says and not for what you want it to say because of your theology. Too often Christians thwart the scripture so they can make it say something supportive for their belief set. What a disservice we do to ourselves, but also others, when we do this! I pray this lesson stays with me always.

Friday, October 8, 2010

We unexpectedly went to Portland and the surrounding area this week for a short vacation. We got up close and personal with the Columbia River Gorge, Mt. Hood, Washington Park, and Powell's Book store. We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings EVERY SINGLE DAY and then brought more wings home to put in the freezer for future wing cravings.

We discovered IKEA in Portland as well. We bought a few things, tax free, b/c Oregon is good like that, and now life at home is a little bit more organized. Our IKEA bring home-ins, led us to other crafty projects like making the 1960's fold into the wall ironing board closet in the kitchen into a handy dandy spice cabinet. I would like to send out a big thank you to the person who ordered special paint at Home Depot and then never picked it up b/c I got to bring home a gallon of paint, that just so happens to look fine and dandy in my kitchen, for $1.  My very first do it yourself project turned out amazing if I don't say so myself! This project made me wonder if I would not enjoy doing this kind of stuff more often...

I think EVERYONE in Portland smokes. Ugh. Or maybe just no one smokes where I live in Washington....b/c I was greatly disturbed at the amount of second hand smoke I had to inhale while visiting the other wise beautiful state. I remember thinking how strange it was that so many people were smoking. I guess I live a sheltered life here on the Island where the air is some what fresh and clean...

I had to do a lot of running around today to get a drug test, finger prints, and get the security paper work all filled out and sent out for my new job that I will be starting sometime in the near future. It seems weird and surreal and I am not sure why I am feeling the way I am...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

10 Things Forgiveness Is Not | The Mars Hill Blog

I thought this was a very good message about forgiveness!

10 Things Forgiveness Is Not | The Mars Hill Blog

God is good and perfect...

that is all I have been able to think for over a week as I have seen God unfold so many blessings in my life this past week. His timing has been perfect. I saw a double rainbow last week and that day I was reminded that God made promises long ago that He has kept. As I was driving in awe of the most perfect rainbow I had ever seen I asked God if He has promises for me of things He was working out. He said yes! That day I got 2 phone calls that encouraged me further to believe that God is indeed living and active in my life. And one week later I am still basking in His glory as the provider and guider.

I was working a job, and while I was thankful for it, it was not an ideal situation for me or my family. I was not sure what to do. For the the first 1.5-2 weeks I was struggling and complaining and dealing with feeling not respected, frustrated, and taken advantage of...then I settled down and realized God was providing for us and that I just had to make an effort to relax and work things out the best I could for the time being. So many people out there do not have a job and want one desperately and I was not choosing a thankful attitude. So I turned myself around, with God's help of course, and as soon as I did God opened up the door to a job that I am going to love and enjoy and it is only 5 minutes from my house!

I have also been wanting to get more involved in my community and be of service to those I live among. This past week I was appointed as an Ombudsman for the United States Navy! When I had my other job I was not going to be able to serve because there would just not be enough time in the day. Then God opened the door wide and within two days not only did I have a new job but I was also an Ombudsman! I have been in training every night from 5-10 this week learning about the program and how to be of service to the families in my husband's command. I am so excited for this opportunity! While the task is daunting I look forward to what is to come!

God is surely good and I am so thankful for his ever watchful presence in my life. If we can settle down and trust Him; our lives, while still difficult at times, become a lot less heavy. So often we tend to fight for the control only God has and end up frustrated and unhappy. We as Christians have to learn to let go and let God...this has been my life lesson the past few months...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have had a busy/productive day. I made a to do list and actually got it done, and more, which I am glad for.

I was able to clean the kitchen, mow the lawn, wash/dry/fold/put away 6 loads of laundry, take White Shadow for a walk, collect drift wood to plug up the gaps in the fence, and finish hanging up all the pictures in the guest room and hall way...whew.

I am still jobless...I am really hoping that I will be able to find a job soon even if it is part time. I am ready to start contributing to our family finances again. I just wish there was something around here that would open up and be a good fit for me.

I am really missing the kids I used to be a nanny for back home. They are growing up and changing so fast and I am missing out on it. I really love those kids.

Watering an odd shaped lawn takes some real talent. I spend about 10 minutes adjusting and readjusting each of the sprinklers each time I water the lawn. Most of the time I end up in hysterics hunched over on the lawn as the sprinkler sprays out of control at my open windows as I try to get it under control. Eventually Jon comes out and takes mercy on me and I laugh even harder at my ability, or more the lack there of, to operate a sprinkler.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I really can not help but feel blessed to be surrounded by so many solid and fun believers here. God has a way of creating community that only He can and I am thankful for that.

Today as Jon and I were taking Whidbey for a much needed walk I was reminded of the verses in Jeremiah where God pretty much tells the Israelites to bloom where they are planted. God says, "Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers, you too will prosper." Jeremiah 29:5-8. I think often times we can get discontented with our surroundings or place in life because we have refused to do this very thing. And God was not telling this to a people who were chilling in the promise land...he told this to his people who were in exile...so if they were supposed to do it we are too.

Here is to blooming where I am planted and seeking the prospertiy of the city in which I find myself.  So far it has been awesome and I am really looking forward to what God has in store for me in this place...